Red Tent Events

Here you'll find information about our upcoming Red Tent Events along with dates and start times

About our Red Tent Events at Red Rose Studio

What is a Red Tent?

A Red Tent in our modern world is a place where women gather to rest, renew, and often share deep and powerful stories about their lives. Red Tent is a safe space, women often open up with one another and tell stories that they would not normally share. It is a place where women can truly be themselves and talk about anything, if they want to. For many women the Red Tent is a sacred space, but it does not proclaim any one spiritual or religious practice. The growing consciousness of the Red Tent movement is changing the way that women and girls interact and support each other. It provides a place that honours and celebrates women, by enabling open conversations about the things that women don’t want to talk about in other venues. Moreover, because the Red Tent is a space that nurtures free-flowing and deep conversations between women it fosters a greater sense of community. Being together regularly gives women an opportunity to celebrate being women, to have our voices heard, to discuss issues about body image, self-respect and empowerment, or to simply relax and take care of oneself. Women promote positive ideals for the young women who gather with them. It is in this safe environment that conversations take place that enable us to speak openly of our traumas and losses that need healing. All in all, it is a place where women can truly be themselves and talk about anything if they want to. Remember that it is also a place where women can just be. So if a woman has no story to share openly that is fine too.

What to expect at your first Red Tent

  • We begin with an opening circle, a chance for you to become present and become aware of how you are feeling.
  • A monthly meeting place where women come together for mutual support
  • Somewhere you can take time out from commitments to family & work
  • Sharing stories, experiences & skills with women of all ages & backgrounds
  • The activities are different for each Red Tent.
  • Here in the Red Tent we can journal, rest, receive or give energy work, draw, read, share or listen to women’s wisdom in the stories we share.
  • Feel free to ask for what you need.
  • You are welcome to bring something to share with the group; A topic to discuss, a poem, a favourite short reading, a song.
  • At each red tent we always establish a confidentiality agreement. Everything you see and hear here in the Red Tent stays in the Red Tent. Keeping our Red Tent a safe place to share.
  • You do not have to speak if you do not want to.
  • Please do not interrupt anyone sharing.
  • Advice is not given without request.
  • What a woman shares about is not brought up again, unless she gives permission.
  • If you need to come and curl up in a corner and rest, that is as welcome as if you come with poetry, song and laughter.
  • If you are going through a hard time, there is no need to hide this.
  • We are here to heal and support each other.
  • This is not a forum to promote your work or business.
  • By being here we give ourselves time to ‘be’.
  • Please turn up on time and you must be able to stay for the duration of the Red Tent.

Dates Of Upcoming Red Tent events

Start time for all: 1.30pm

Month: What date and where it will be held:
(further information given on booking- Book by contacting)

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